Spirit is the source of everything, spirit is the pulse of the life, spirit is who we really are. Spirit is the Dao that cannot be named, spirit is the hidden harmony.
On Sunday 29 September we start again with Sunday Spirit Meditation.
It makes such a difference to come together, real human beings in the room, face to face, hand in hand, and create an oasis of sanity, beauty and depth. Each session will be both similar and different: our usual juicy mix of sitting in silence, chanting, movement to music, active meditations, energywork, and… again silence.
With great delight we would like to announce the return of Sunday Spirit on 29th September.
Come and join us for meditation, breathing, movement music and a warm heart!
My soul is singing with a mixture of old and new tunes to share as you, myself, and the practices renew and evolve.
Do bring a friend, let’s grow the community 😃
Rough goals are (including goal-less-ness):
• To wake up
• To connect to spirit and own our essential spiritual identity
• To understand and manage the thinking mind
• To experience the benefits and joys of a sangha or collective energy field
'These sessions with James let you connect with an abundance in yourself and your environment that you cannot capture with your head. Timelessness enters. You experience the best version of yourself and the world.'
Leopoldstraat 40 bus 3
2550 Kontich
+32 495 51 78 99
Coachingruimte Mechelen
Pasbrugplein 3
2800 Mechelen
Valklaan 33
5272 RX Sint-Michielsgestel
+31 64 18 18 625